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Trustifi Inbound Shield
Protect What You Send, Trust What You Receive

Trustifi Trial

Email Protection Made Easy

Trustifi makes it easy for your IT security staff to get the protection they need, including alerts, traceability, monitoring and awareness, while being straightforward, transparent and simple enough for your end users to apply all this security at the click of a button.

Ease of Use

Users can easily see the "Status" of inbound emails indicating when they are "Safe" or not.

Threat Protection Spoofing Attack

  • The sender is not authorized to use this domain and appears to be spoofed
  • No malious links detected
  • No attachments to scan

Threat Protection Safe

  • The sender is authornticated and signed.
  • No malicious links deteced.
  • No attachments to scan.

Threat Protection Malicious

  • The sender is authornticated and signed.
  • No malicious links deteced.
  • Malicious files deteced.

Trustifi's Proprietary Next-Gen Technology


Detonates malicious content outside of your network.

Web Scraping

Deep page and URL scanning for malicious content.

Black Listing

Integrated with the world's largest black list.

Machine Learning

Proprietary algorithms detect protect and prevent users from unknown threats.

Inbound traffic is scanned in real-time through sophisticated multi-layered detection engines to protect organizations from:
  • Phishing
  • Malicious Links
  • Malicious Files
  • Viruses
  • Spoofing
  • Advanced Persistent Threats
  • Zero-Day Attacks
  • Malware
  • Ransomware
  • Spam and more...

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